Yes W2 Mate support Iowa W2 Electronic Filing. Please follow the steps below:
Step # 1. Under the Company General Information tab inside W2 Mate, make sure to enter "IA" for the State field and to enter the “Iowa Withholding Permit Number” under "Employer State ID".
The Iowa Withholding Permit Number is assigned by the Iowa Department of Revenue to an employer for the purpose of withholding Iowa income tax, filing Iowa withholding returns & remitting payments , and filing W -2 wage and tax statements to the Iowa Department of Revenue .
Step # 2. Very Important: On the W2 Forms make sure box 15 state and state ID are populated properly.
To be sure, please use the "Update Box 15" feature inside W2 Mate (select "Tools > Update Box 15 for Multiple Employees" from the top menu inside W2 Mate).
Select "IA" under "New State" and enter your Iowa Withholding Permit # under "New Employer State ID number".
Hit the "Select All" button to select all employees. Hit the OK button to apply your changes.
Please make sure to do this step even if you think Box 15 is populated properly on the W2 Forms.
Step # 3. Do make sure all the employees in this company will be reported to Iowa. Any other employees will need to be either made in-active or deleted.
Step # 4. From the top menu inside W2 Mate select E-Filing > W2 Forms.
Step # 5. In the e-File W2 Forms dialog you select "STATE" under "Federal or State" and select Iowa as the state name.
Step # 6. The W-2 file name must follow this pattern:
"IAW2", hyphen, log -in BEN, hyphen, Control #, period, and “txt".
IAW2-12345678-2018001.txt (Control# equals the year at present followed by a three -digit sequence number. This example is the first file uploaded in 2018. 12345678 is the BEN)
Business eFile Number (BEN) The Iowa Department of Revenue assigns a BEN to every business tax entity registering with the Department to withhold Iowa tax. The BEN is used by filers ( employers /payers ) and bulk filers (transmitters and payroll service providers) to log into Iowa eFile & Pay.
Step # 7. Once all the data in the W2 E-File dialog is populated, click the OK button.
Step # 8. W2 Mate will prompt you to enter your Business eFile Number (BEN).
Step # 9. Now W2 Mate will create the W2 e-File and will show a list of the employees included in the output file. Double check this information.
Step # 10. Now you need to upload the Iowa eFile & Pay website.