The standard W2 Mate will allow you to print 1099 MISC copies B, C, State 1 and 2 on blank paper as well as W2 copies B, C, D, State 1 and 2 on blank paper. The program will print W2 Copy A, W3, 1099 MISC Copy A and 1096 data on preprinted scannable red ink laser forms. You will need to add on option 5 to produce the 1099-S forms.
So you will need the following:
W2 Mate 2017 Software
W2 Mate Option #5 (Additional 1099 Forms)
W-2 Copy A count of 25
W3 Form count of 25
1099 MISC Copy A count of 25
1096 Form count of 25
1099-S COPY A [3-UP] count of 200
W-2 2UP Double Window Envelopes - Moisture Seal count of 25
1099 Double Window Envelopes - Moisture Seal count of 25
1099 3-UP Double Window Envelopes - Self Seal count of 200