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Can we use this software to convert excel spreadsheets to SSA EFW2 files?

0 votes
We are an IT company in Des Moines Iowa.

One of our customers uses a legacy accounting system that can print W2 forms, but can’t generate W2 electronic filing submissions in the format accepted by the social security administration (called EFW2). This year, they are also required to report w2 wages directly to Iowa DOR.

Our question is: can your w2 software import an Excel spreadsheet and then convert it to an EFW2 file for upload to the SSA? Can we also take that file and upload it to Iowa efilepay system?
asked in W2 Software by anonymous

1 Answer

0 votes

Thank you for your email.

Yes, you can use our W2 Mate software to import your data from an Excel spreadsheet and then create a W2 electronic filing submission in the EFW2 format ready for upload to the SSA BSO website. We can provide you with a template spreadsheet for W2s and the definition of each of the fields. You can send an email to support@realtaxtools.com to receive the template. If you provide the name of the legacy accounting system you are using, we might have step-by-step instructions for your system.

For Iowa, our W2 Mate software also creates a file in correct format ready to upload to their online system. You can refer to the post below for more information:



Real Business Solutions Support Team, Makers of W2 Mate, 1095 Mate and Payroll Mate



answered by anonymous